Sunny has been advancing her formal education in health science and related fields for over 15 years. She has provided massage therapy full time on the Seacoast for almost a decade. It is in her nature to be a life-long learner, and she will have additional licensing in Aesthetics as of December 2024.
While gaining experience and training, most of her interest has involved massage therapy for the nervous system, autoimmune conditions, and reducing many symptoms and discomforts associated with sinus issues, TMJ Dysfunction, tension headaches, forward-head posture, cervical spine compression, tendon and nerve restrictions.
Her massage techniques are ideal for relieving stress related discomforts due to: high emotional stress, fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, migraines, TMJD, upper body loaded activities/careers, and more.
She methodically designs therapeutic sessions to address nervous system regulation, and specializes in facial/jaw, neck and shoulder mobility. Some of her favorite techniques to utilize for relaxing benefits include Swedish, Hawaiian Lomilomi, and Reiki. Sunny loves to educate clients about trigger points, pain referral patterns and connective tissue. For more intensive and focused bodywork, she enjoys incorporating therapeutic stretching, fascial mobilization techniques, and meridian acupressure.
Along with a deep appreciation for connection to self and self care, Sunny has been advancing her skills and pursuing love of skin science and art. Her dual license in massage therapy and aesthetics will open up new ways to care for clients.
Sunny has specialized services to bring to Body Mechanix that utilizes her years of experience and education. Her treatments bring balance and restoration to the mind and body. She has a comprehensive approach and seasonally attuned mindset to treatments offering rejuvenating and goal-oriented qualities in both skin health and massage therapy.
Sunny’s focus in her work has become more undeniably specific to the treatment of the face, jaw, neck, and shoulders. Her advanced massage techniques provide relief from discomfort and stress as well as show a brightening effect that reduces inflammation and puffiness, therefore increasing necessary blood/nutrient flow.
There are several available treatments ranging in session length depending on your intention and goals. These sessions combine a healing restful state with rejuvenating techniques that facilitate benefits throughout your being, including your skin.
More facts about Sunny:
- Reiki level 2 mentor and guide
- Pilates and Barre enthusiast
- Personal chef, Culinary Arts, studied and trained at JWU
- Worked in dentistry and pet care while attending universities
- Passionate about style and color, herbal teas, astrological birth charts and her sweet cat Miss Bee
Sunny’s Treatments + Rates:
30 min Face & Scalp Rejuvenation $70
A perfect deep relaxation massage for face and scalp tension. Includes aromatherapy and warm stones to calm and smooth away stress.
45 min Face & Neck Relaxation $90
A blend of massage and lymph facilitation in the face, neck, and chest. Increase nutrient movement in the skin and relieve muscle discomforts through the jaw and neck. Alleviate headaches, sinus pressure, and stress tension.
60 min Full Reset w/ Sunny $115
A whole body massage to address stress and tension through the face, neck, and shoulders while influencing healthy circulation throughout the arms, legs and easing discomforts in the hands and feet.
90 min Full Reset – Extended w/ Sunny $140
The Ultimate Relaxation Treatment. Aromatherapy, warm stones, and more included.
Pre and Post Natal (30-90 min sessions)
Massage therapy during and after pregnancy is a wonderful complementary choice for prenatal and postnatal care. It is a healthy way to reduce stress and promote overall wellness. Massage relieves many of the normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy, such as backaches, stiff neck, leg cramps, headaches and edema (or swelling). Postpartum massage has many benefits bringing both physical and emotional relief to new moms.
In addition, massage for pregnant women reduces stress on weight-bearing joints, encourages blood and lymph circulation, helps to relax nervous tension — which aids in better sleep — and can help relieve depression or anxiety caused by hormonal changes.
Pre/Post Natal & Thai Massage, Reiki Sessions:
30 minutes: $60
45 minutes: $80
60 minutes: $105
90 minutes: $135
Massage therapy includes the use of Cupping, Kinesiology RockTape, and RockBlade therapy, which will be determined by your therapist as part of your treatment plan.
* In-home massage is available for an additional fee. We also offer massage parties. Please contact us for details. Host receives a free half-hour massage.